Traveling with dogs and cats
To ensure that you don’t need to be without your faithful companions when you travel, under certain conditions, Discover Airlines permits the transportation of dogs and cats in the aircraft cabin. Please note that only a limited number of animals can travel in the cabin. We do not offer the transportation of animals in the cargo hold.
The pet-in-cabin service must be booked for a fee in advance via the Discover Airlines Service Center by calling +49 (0) 69 86 798 200. Travelers must also complete the form for taking animals in the aircraft cabin and bring it with them to the check-in counter at the start of their journey. The form is not required for assistance dogs on direct flights to/from the USA.

Important information when taking dogs on flights to the USA:
From August 1, 2024, new restrictions imposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will change the entry requirements for dogs into the USA. Please inform yourself about the new regulations in the section “New entry regulations for dogs traveling to the US” further down on this page.
Important information on flights to/from Mauritius and Seychelles:
The carriage of dogs and cats is not permitted on these routes.
The following requirements must be met:
- Advance registration and confirmation of transportation are required.
- Only cats and dogs are permitted in the cabin.
- A maximum of two animals may be transported in a single transport bag.
- The minimum age for animals is 15 weeks for trips to/from Germany and 6 months for trips to/from the US.
- The total weight of your animal and the transport bag must not exceed 8 kg.
- The dimensions of the transport bag may not exceed 55 x 40 x 23 cm (height x width x depth) or a total of 118 cm if you add up all sides.
- The transport bag must be able to fit under the seat, be made of soft material and must not have a rigid frame.
- The transport bag must not be placed on the seat.
- The transport bag must be puncture-proof and leak-proof and sufficiently ventilated even when closed.
- The transport bag must be spacious enough to allow the animal to sit, stand, turn around and lie down in a natural position.
The cost of taking your pet with you depends on the flight route. You will find detailed information in the baggage calculator after entering the flight route:
Registered assistance dogs can be taken on board at Discover Airlines free of charge. Please note the information on the following page:
Please register the transportation of search and rescue dogs via the Discover Airlines Service Center and complete the form for transporting animals in aircraft cabins.
For anatomical reasons, dogs and cats that are flat-faced breeds have constricted airways and therefore have difficulty breathing. Stress caused by transportation or hot temperatures at the departure, transfer or destination airport can lead to circulatory problems and, consequently, increased shortness of breath. This can cause animals to suffer serious health damage or even to die during the trip,
so these animals need to be prepared as well as possible for the upcoming trip. Passengers should ask their veterinarian about possible medication for sedating the pets or bring a blanket/pillow with a familiar smell with them on board.
New restrictions imposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will change the entry requirements for dogs traveling to the US. This means that from August 1, 2024, until further notice, new flight bookings for dogs going to the US will not be permitted.
Flights to Philadelphia are an exception to this rule. New bookings for dogs to Philadelphia with a departure date on or after August 1 will continue to be accepted.
Already confirmed bookings will remain valid after August 1st, provided that all CDC requirements can be met. For the full requirements, please see the CDC website. It is the passenger’s responsibility to meet all requirements. If the documents required by the CDC are not presented at check-in, import/transportation will be refused.
In addition, Discover Airlines offers the following options for flights with dogs confirmed before July 03, 2024:
- Rebooking without transporting a dog
- Reimbursement of the ticket
Passengers with any other queries are asked to contact our Service Center.
Further information:
Assistance dogs
It is still possible to transport assistance dogs in compliance with the new CDC specifications, provided that all CDC requirements are met. For the full requirements, please see the CDC website. It is the passenger’s responsibility to meet all requirements. If the documents required by the CDC are not presented at check-in, import/transportation will be refused.
If passengers already have a confirmed booking for themselves and their assistance dog, please contact our service center.